Tuesday, 27 November 2012

The Group Project

On a BU animation course, there is a little thing called the second year group project. Now this doesn't sound too daunting to the uninformed but believe me, by the project deadline everyone is ready to pass out from exhaustion, explode from ridiculous amounts of takeaway and potentially have some form of murderous intent towards other group members, oh and did I forget to mention, that the cleaners also decide that they are too good to clean your labs so you are also likely to get some kind of lurgy from the bins not being emptied.

But I digress, this is the first time you are allowed to work in groups to produce a full animation, up til now its just been assignments for individual skill sets but now we are put together at almost random and made to divvy up the roles to produce a minute of something decent looking.

I got TD which was pretty cool, I ended up doing the lighting, the shading, a tiny bit of texturing, some set dressing and ALL the rendering. Seeing as I had quite a few jobs on this assignment I've decided I'm going to split it up into smaller chunks so it's less daunting.


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